Author: admin

Property Settlement – Common Myths

‘PROPERTY’ JUST MEANS THE HOUSE Completely untrue. ‘Property’, for the purposes of the Family Law Act, includes all assets, debts…

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Property Settlement – What are you entitled to?

HOW DOES A COURT GAUGE PEOPLE’S ENTITLEMENTS? In determining what a person is entitled to in a family law property…

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Family Law Property Settlements – The Basic

What is a Property Settlement? A ‘Property Settlement’ is simply the term used to describe the process of dividing the…

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Family Law Property Settlements – Time Limits

How Long after Separation do you have to effect a Legally Binding Property Settlement? It depends on your relationship status.…

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Why Obtain Consent Orders?

Benefits of Consent Orders include the following: – The property settlement and/or parenting agreement between the parties is made legally…

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Military Invalidity Pension – MSBS Family Law Split

Family Lawyers in Townsville, being home to Australia’s largest military base, must be adept at navigating legal family law issues…

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Ex Partner Won’t Consent to The Covid Vaccination for Our Child

The question is now being commonly asked; “what happens if my ex won’t consent to the COVID vaccine for our…

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Is my Ex Entitled to Half my Super?

“Is my ex entitled to half my super?” This is another question I am often asked. The answer is; it…

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Can’t afford Family Law Legal Fees? Consider a Hogan Order

In family law matters, it is not uncommon for one party to control the majority of finances / wealth. In…

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Do I Need a Family Lawyer?

Many people tussle with the question of whether to engage a family lawyer. This is especially so in family law…

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Best Family Lawyer Townsville? Best Family Lawyer Mount Isa?

CHOOSING THE BEST FAMILY LAWYER The best family lawyers have many traits in common. Some traits are obvious – such…

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Can my Ex take our Child Interstate?

Is it lawful for an ex partner to take your child interstate temporarily (e.g. for a holiday)? The simple answer…

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