High-Touch Family Law Services That Get Superior Results
Having me in your corner means getting your family the most advantageous family law outcome in the quickest time frame and with the least amount of stress possible.
High-Touch Family Law Services That Get Superior Results
Having me in your corner means getting your family the most advantageous family law outcome in the quickest time frame and with the least amount of stress possible.
Leverage my 13+ years of experience
handling thousands of family law issues.

An unjust property settlement can have life-long consequences. I fight hard for clients in family law property settlement proceedings so they get the settlement they deserve.

Divorce (termination of marriage) can be an emotional and daunting process. Experienced family lawyers like me make the divorce process as quick and stress-free as possible, even where tricky issues may apply.

Relying on my 13+ years of experience in child custody litigation, I work tirelessly and intelligently to get the best possible child custody Orders.

Nothing is more important than our children. I have helped hundreds of clients secure the best possible relationship with their children through high-touch, proficient negotiations.

Properly drafted and obtained parenting consent orders provide peace of mind in relation to children. I regularly draft and obtain clear, comprehensive and practically feasible parenting / child custody Consent Orders.

Binding Financial Agreements are an alternative to Consent Orders and useful in other circumstances, such as where a 'pre-nup' is desired. I am adept at navigating the complex and strict laws applicable to Binding Financial Agreements in Australia.

Property settlement Consent Orders bring finality and peace of mind. In the last 13+ years I have helped a diverse range of clients obtain and effect hundreds of property settlement Consent Orders covering the simplest property pools, to the most complex.

Finality in relation to child support payments can often be achieved via a Binding Child Support Agreement. In my 13+ years of practising family law, I have become proficient in preparing, obtaining and lodging Binding Child Support Agreements.

The treatment of military invalidity pensions in family law property settlements is a complex area of law. Having practiced family law in the home of Australia's largest military base for many years, I am adept at handling family law property settlements involving military invalidity pensions.
There are countless reasons
why clients give us 5-star reviews.
I can’t speak highly enough of Kyle as a human being, and as a lawyer. If you’re looking for someone to represent you and support you, he’s your guy!

Allan Hardie
At very short notice, Kyle Barram was willing and generous with his time without hesitation. He assisted a colleague in relation to a very specific and complex area of family law, involving superannuation in the payment phase (Military Superannuation), with concise and clear advice.

Kate Mills
I have dealt with Kyle in a professional capacity since 2009. Kyle's attention to detail, integrity and honesty set him head and shoulders above any solicitor that I have dealt with. I highly recommend Barram Family Law and endeavour to refer any clients that have family law needs.

James Fulton Kennedy
Kyle's attention to detail, professionalism and genuine care has made the process of a very complex and difficult legal process less stressful. He is extremely organised, prompt and transparent in all communications and is willing to work tirelessly in helping gain the best outcome. I would highly recommend Kyle and Barram Family Law and thank them for the support, guidance and advice through the most difficult period of my life. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to be on my side. Thankyou Kyle.

Bernie Crayford
From start to finish, we will guide you
every step of the way.

Book your 20-minute free chat so we can discuss your situation. Once I understand the pertinent details, I will provide a recommendation on how to best move forward.

If your situation warrants a longer consultation, we can arrange a date and time for it. I will send you a form to return prior to our second call. It contains information relevant to your type of matter that I will need to advise you on. I don’t put a time limit on this consultation.

After the longer consultation, I will confirm my advice via a written letter and accompanying documents. Where I recommend that you retain my services, I will explain in detail as to why.

"I am a former colleague of Kyle’s. He is diligent, knowledgeable and thorough. A lawyer's lawyer. If I couldn't act for myself in my own Family Law matter, I'd want him in my corner." - Adam Harvey (Solicitor of Harvey Legal)
Move forward with confidence, safe in the knowledge that you are in good hands.
Broad Experience
I am experienced in a broad range of legal fields — not just family law. As such, and given I have worked as a senior investigator for the Queensland government, I have knowledge of criminal and domestic violence processes, government investigation procedures, finance requirements and property laws, practices and procedures. This gives me a distinct advantage over most family law practitioners.
Smart + Strategic
Unlike other solicitors, I regularly retain Australia’s best family law barristers at an early stage of the litigation process. I then give detailed advice and a clear plan of attack at the earliest possible stage. I do these things to give you the maximum advantage possible.
“A Lawyer’s Lawyer”
I have extensive experience in the treatment of military invalidity pensions in family law property settlements. Many clients hire me because their current lawyer lacks the experience on how this ought to be handled. In fact, other lawyers engage me to help them understand this area, and develop a plan for their client.
I gain an intimate understanding of every matter I take on. I analyse the facts, the players, issues and the relevant law early. I thoroughly develop an intelligent case plan so you are always way ahead of your opponent.

High-touch Service
Work with me and you will never have to wonder how your matter is progressing. I provide regular updates and realistic, detailed and holistic legal guidance all throughout your matter. I push the pace and ensure you know what is going on at all times.
Get answers to your questions within the same day or often within a 24-hour period. Whether face to face, online, or phone, I’m readily available for a consultation via any medium that works for you.
Ethical + Efficient
Clients often tell me how reassured and safe they feel because of how hard I work, how fast I deliver, how thoroughly I complete tasks, and the extensive thought and care I exercise all throughout our work together.
Use my uncommon combination of experience, smarts, and skills to gain the upper hand.

“Nobody else will work tirelessly
for you and your family’s best interests.”
I can attempt to win you over by talking about my high IQ, enumerating my qualifications and accomplishments, the breadth and depth of my family law experience, or by dazzling you with impressive case studies. Important as they are, those are not the best reasons why you should work with me. The truth is that the way family law is practised in this country is flawed in many respects. The structures and systems in place are often inefficient, confusing, frustrating, stressful and unnecessarily complicated.
It is not unusual for solicitors to run unmeritorious litigation or conduct protracted unarguable negotiations. Many clients end up with a solicitor who either lacks the experience to know what is achievable or one who is intentionally dragging the matter on to bill more fees. The client unnecessarily incurs costs and receives an unsatisfactory outcome. I created Barram Family Law to practise family law the way it should be practised; ethically, intelligently and efficiently.
This is why I gather everything that’s needed and prepare the documents. Or why I shuffle workloads and even wake up at 3 am to ensure tasks are attended to as early as possible (often well in advance of the deadline). I make sure to develop a plan of attack, provide information on the process about to be embarked on and put steps in place to have documents prepared, filed and served — all in a timely manner.
“I feel so much better now.”
“I wish my current lawyer had told me that.”
“I wish I’d come to you in the first place.”
Those are the moments I live and work for.
Having me in your corner means getting your family the most advantageous financial settlement in the quickest time frame and with the least amount of stress possible. Let me relieve you of your stress and give your family the best possible footing to seize the advantage in your matter.
Frequently asked questions
Are you insured?
Yes – we have professional indemnity insurance through Lexon Insurance.
Do you guarantee results?
Due to the nature of family law matters, including the extent to which a client’s own conduct (and especially future conduct) can impact an outcome, and the significant latitude afforded to judicial decision-making, we cannot guarantee certain results.
However, where you provide accurate instructions and adhere to our advice, you will seize an advantage you would otherwise not have seized, and achieve the best possible outcome for yourself and your family.
We also guarantee that we will work hard for you and provide the highest-touch family law service possible.
Do you provide fixed fees?
For set legal tasks, such as obtaining and effecting Consent Orders where parties have reached agreement, we provide fixed fees. The fee depends largely on complexity and is ascertained through an initial discussion with the client — free of charge.
For ongoing jobs that encompass an unpredictable amount of work (such as contested litigation), we usually cannot provide a fixed fee.
Do you require fees paid up front?
Except in limited circumstances, we require at least a portion of our anticipated fees to be placed into trust before commencing work. Such deposit is required to not only secure some of our professional fees, but also to cover out of pocket expenses that we expect to incur in conducting your matter, such as Court filing fees, search fees and barrister’s fees.
How do you ensure you will provide me attentive service?
We do not take on too many matters and we are selective about the matters we do take on. We tend to focus on family law litigation and matters involving substantial and/or complex negotiations or issues. Where it is irresponsible to take on a new client considering our current workload, we will say so up front.
How many family law matters have you handled?
Thousands— covering just about every type of family law issue imaginable.
How responsive are you?
We pride ourselves on picking up the phone when a client calls, immediately answering emails and taking the time to talk to and listen to our clients. We push matters forward by doing things like following up on correspondence without any prompting from you.
Where we are ‘out-of-action’ (for example due to being in Court or a mediation, or in the midst of preparing Court material urgently), we notify our clients and give an estimate on how long we might be temporarily out of reach.
How will you communicate with me?
We can communicate face to face or via Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, phone, text, or any medium you are most comfortable with.
Will I really get an advantage by engaging you?
By engaging us, you will be utilising 13+ years of experience dealing with all manner of legal problems and thousands of family law issues. Whatever problems you are dealing with now, chances are that we have successfully dealt with similar ones many times before. Gain the upper hand by working with someone who is willing to work harder, faster, smarter and more attentively than anyone else.

Book your free consultation now.
Simply answer a few questions so our lawyers can provide you with advice that is personalised and relevant to your particular issue or enquiry. If you need urgent attention, please call 07 4426 1980